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Tax Revenues

Sales Tax Revenue

Starting January 1, 2023, all retail sales, utility services to commercial accounts, wireless telephone service, and purchase of personal property such as vehicles are subject to the District's ½% sales tax.  Note: There is no "use tax" for online retail sales to those in the District.

Property Tax Revenue

The ad valorem property tax levy rate for the Tightwad FIre Protection District is set before September 1st of each year by the Board of Directors. The levy rate, expressed to 4 decimal places,  is multiplied by per $100 of the District's total aggregate assessed valuation (in 2023, this levy rate was $0.2501).

  • Real estate property is assessed at 19% of market value
  • Commercial property is assessed at 32% of market value
  • Agricultural property is assessed at 12% of market value

Personal property, including mobile homes, is generally assessed at 33⅓% of market value; however, antique vehicles, crops, & livestock are assessed at 5% of market value

For example, a home in the District worth $100,000 should have an assessed value of $19,000; therefore, 190 units of $100 assessed valuation multiplied by the 2023 levy rate of $0.2501 equals $47.52 in property taxes paid to the District.

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